October 10, 2024


First time in my life to be traveling on my birthday - literally on flying in the plane :) And where did I celebrate my special day? In Azerbaijan, 3 hours flight from the UAE. 

The place is a mix of Europe & Asia, safe and beautiful. Our 5 days were well spent - by feeding the Alpacas, riding cable cars to unlocking my skills as a sniper. It was a great experience though the food was good maybe our taste buds are not into them. 

I am happy to explore this new country with my boyfriend and her sister who’s like my baby sis. Just chilling and no pressure though not always smooth because of the miscommunication from the driver/tour guide haha! 

Nevertheless, my fave was the Nizami Street then Gabala and Baku. The weather was around 20degC and season was Autumn. Maybe next time I will go on Winter if given a chance again. 

Highlight ofcourse that it was like a whole week celebration of my birthday and it was weird that I don’t feel it maybe because of my age haha! 

Happy birthday to me and I am thankful for all greeting and well wishes! Excited for more life has to offer! Thank You Lord for this opportunity to travel again. Life goal of visiting atleast 1 new country per year - achieved! 

May 27, 2024


 You read it right! I went to Bangkok Thailand again (well last month April). Sorry for the late post haha. 

I was extremely busy at work for the past few months, that's why. 

How am I? I haven't shared that I had my most expensive vacation in Philippines from December - January, then visited Thailand in January and April. Then I had work events this May. 

Actually today, thankfully I had time to update you my blog :D 

My sister had no choice but to take a leave last April and she wanted to visit Thailand again. It's so cute that our parents also joined us after a week. It was the four of us again after 5 years visiting the vibrant city of Bangkok. 

It was our first time to experience the Water Festival Songkran which was fun and not haha. 

We had a fair share of not so good things happened. My sister had an eye infection so she was just sleeping for 2 days. My dad had problem with his back because it's been a while that he walked too far and his body was shocked by this so he was not able to join us in the Dinner Cruise (all girls only). Then for me - unfortunately I had unauthorized transactions to my credit card from Uber (beware!). There were 5 and only 1 was not reversed, hopefully it will be reversed soon. 

So many things happened right? It's like we should have not gone to Thailand but I'm still thankful to celebrate life and my sister's birthday that time with our parents. They came from the Philippines and us from UAE and our meet up was Thailand. It was just cute that they wanted to see us :) 

Overall, it was indeed memorable because of the happenings :D 

I hope to share my PH vacay last Dec-Jan 2024 haha if I have time. 

See you again :) 

February 13, 2024


Sawadee ka! 😊
My big sister and I went to Bangkok Thailand last month to explore and shop til we drop haha! 
It's my second time to visit the country and gosh - as a food, massage and shopping lover like me - this is heaven HAHAA! :)

But this time, we focused on shopping for our small business. It was fun actually yet so tiring.
Even if we ate a lot of Thai food, we burned them with our 17k steps per day! 
By the end of our trip, I felt like I cannot walk anymore so thankfully there's tiger balm to the rescue haha! 

Major highlights were we tried Dinner Cruise at the Chao Phraya River and wore Traditional clothes in Wat Arun. 

Even if we were there for 5-6 days, I want more! HAHA 
Well, let's see when will be the next time - hopefully soon. 

Thank You Lord for the gift of travel! 
More to come 💕