May 08, 2014

Mixed Emotions

Three weeks have passed. 
I've been visiting new places, eating new cuisines (the shawarma and egg paratha are the bomb haha), having interviews and taking a lot of photographs. 

Honestly, I'm not 100% happy. 
Because something's missing. 


Haha. God is testing me to be patient. 
(I have this hatred in waiting for so long)

This experience really taught me a lot. 
Humility, Patience, Hardwork and Faith.

More than the places, the foods, the people, the photographs, the learnings I had are the things that truly matter. 

Now, there is an opportunity. 
It may not be the best, the one that I've been looking for.. But it was fine enough.

Hopefully, it is the right one. 
I will do my best. I will do what I can do. 
I don't know everything but I know God is with me. He will take care of me, He will guide me. He will never abandon me.

I know that more challenges are coming. 
It will be indeed an exciting year. :)

No, a life changing year.