October 10, 2024


First time in my life to be traveling on my birthday - literally on flying in the plane :) And where did I celebrate my special day? In Azerbaijan, 3 hours flight from the UAE. 

The place is a mix of Europe & Asia, safe and beautiful. Our 5 days were well spent - by feeding the Alpacas, riding cable cars to unlocking my skills as a sniper. It was a great experience though the food was good maybe our taste buds are not into them. 

I am happy to explore this new country with my boyfriend and her sister who’s like my baby sis. Just chilling and no pressure though not always smooth because of the miscommunication from the driver/tour guide haha! 

Nevertheless, my fave was the Nizami Street then Gabala and Baku. The weather was around 20degC and season was Autumn. Maybe next time I will go on Winter if given a chance again. 

Highlight ofcourse that it was like a whole week celebration of my birthday and it was weird that I don’t feel it maybe because of my age haha! 

Happy birthday to me and I am thankful for all greeting and well wishes! Excited for more life has to offer! Thank You Lord for this opportunity to travel again. Life goal of visiting atleast 1 new country per year - achieved! 

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