January 14, 2016

Thinking Too Much

It started Christmas holiday last year when I felt burn out. 

Meaning during weekends, there are so much things to do. 

I need a breather. 

In home, in work, all of the time, I have been thinking and doing a lot. 

It's like my processor has overloaded with things, plans, budgeting to name a few.

This year, I will be going home, thankfully my leave was approved, 

Hopefully all my plans will go through and may God provide. 

I only live once and if there is an opportunity, I have to grab it. 

May I have peace of mind, stress free days to come.

I need a breather.

January 01, 2016

Get Up in 2016

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

My year started in a not so smooth way but I know that it will end with a bang! 

2016 will be my bounce year in all aspects of my life.
It will be a year of hope, realizations and more success! 

I read that Year of the Snakes will be lucky this year! I am hoping that it is true!!

Thank You Lord that I am able to see your beautiful creations and I can't wait to see more! 

May we have (I have) prosperous and blessed 2016 to come! 

It is about time that I will become really HAPPY! 
