January 01, 2024

Game on, 2024

Happy New Year! Hello 2024 ♡

Oh wow, this blog is going 20 years already. OMG! 

What happened today? I just stayed home with my family and we have relatives coming over for lunch to visit and catch up. What's important is my parents are happy and satisfied. And I'm proud to say I helped on preparing the food etc ahahha (that's an achievement for an introvert like me). 

I am also preparing for my first getaway of the year tomorrow haha - wish me luck! 

I have so many plans for the year (well mostly travel plans - here I am again haha). 

This 2024, I claim to have more milestones, changes for the better, good health (physical & mental) and peace of mind. No to negativity and toxic people. I will focus more on what matters and important. It is time to FILTER. 

I have high hopes of the year. I can feel within my bones and heart that this is my breakthrough year. 

Game on, 2024! I am coming to slay!