January 01, 2025

Let’s Fly High in 2025

OMG. Can I just say this? 
HAPPY 20th Anniversary, blog!! 

I just realized, it’s been 20 years already.
Good job, my 15th year old me. (OMG I just exposed my current age haha).

Happy New Year everyone! 
Happy 2025! Wowww! 

In my 10 years in UAE, this is the third time I celebrated the holidays here. So basically I just stayed home with my sis and cooked hahaha! 

I prepared lasagna roll ups, fruit salad, oreo graham and baked cheesy garlic shrimps last Christmas then just yesterday’s Media Noche, I did the fried pork shrimp dimsum and fruit salad. This is an achievement for me haha! 

This 2025, I claim for things to be BETTER in terms of health (both physical and mental), career, lovelife and businesses. I need to be firm with my decisions and give myself more ‘me time’. I hope I only dwell on the brighter side, always. 

I don’t know but I feel more hopeful this year :) 
I hope all my plans esp the travel plans will come true. Well, it’s me we’re talking about so for sure it will happen. 

Wishing for the best! Cheers.