December 09, 2007

faLse aLarm. =(

my sister was wrong.
her professor was wrong.

it's not december 14, it's december 19.
and that made me sad coz i'LL be waiting for what i'm Longing for: HOLIDAY.
oh weLL, it's ok.
hirap muna, bago ginhawa.


nakakawindang. coz my math prof obLiged us to join a contest caLLed mathira mathibay (geez. haven't they thought of a new name except this?). i was in a team category with dona and rhy. yesterday was the eLimination and unexpectedLy, we were incLuded in the finaLs. miracLes do happen, huh? haha. we didn't win any pLace, but atLeast we feLt our existence and we're contented. thank you, God. =)


my coLLege day is fast approaching.
Go CoE! Go Computer Engineering!=)
i'm excited. hahaha.

*happy ending*

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