June 08, 2009

what reaction shouLd i make?

i have one more week to go before officiaLLy going back to schooLing.
and the reason? the serious a(h1n1) virus.
it's spreading and i'm thanking God for the rain... =)

oh weLL.
i have two reactions for the one week extension.
1. good
2. bad
(ofcourse. the famous antonyms.)

- more rest. no schooL. that's a good thing. XD
- more time for myseLf and things to be fixed.
- see my bLockmates and L.

- no aLLowance :(
- so much boredom.
- eating so much.

you can't have it aLL, reaLLy.
there's a downside for every thing.. and life isn't perfect.
if it is, it wouLd be no EXCITEMENT and you want to be dead.
i don't want that.

..i reaLLy wish to our ALmighty that the virus wiLL go away 100%!
pLease po.

and the big question is: WHAT WILL I DO IN ONE WEEK? give me answers.

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