February 18, 2011


It is now February in the year of the Lord, 2011.
So much things and events happened in my life. Super hectic. Super loaded.
Everyday is coming as if it is always running so fast.

There are ups and downs.
But I'll focus more on the greater things.

I really can't remember all the happenings in the start of the year.
All I knew, I was stressed and always not going home to make projects with my groupmates in one location. My family missed me and I missed them too. They were concerned (they always do) because why it took a month to do a project. Yes, our final project but the worst thing happened, it broke and not functioning again well. You know the feeling of despair.

Got a second chance though. We are back to zero but I'm telling you, we're going to end it with a bang.

On the other hand, my Valentines, even if there is no so much time to celebrate it, Levi and I made time for it. He gave me bouquet of flowers (with stargazers) and I gave him the other half of the couple shirt.

And the greater news is I signed a contract at HP yesterday! It was unexpected and I was happy because I am one of the few who is still studying and there is a job career waiting for me.

But before it, I have to finish my studies with great honor and pride. Whew! We can do it, TeamGreat! :]

I know we will do it, make it work.

God is GREAT.
God is bigger than all my problems.
God will not give us the situation we can't handle.

Thank You!
Thank You for a great start of the year. :]


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