May 02, 2011

April 2011: A month I won't forget.

Why will I won't forget last month?
There are many first times.

1. My HP career started!

April 1 is my first day. I got my HP laptop right away, had no locker that's why I have to carry it everyday. Imagine that!

This is also the first day of my MRT Adventures. MRT is a type of transportation in the Philippines that has many people are riding. I have to exert a lot of energy just to enter and have a seat. On others, they think tha
t these are worst, but for me, I'm treating it as adventures. I enjoy it even if it was really difficult and very challenging.

My early stay was a blast. It is because I had new friends, they told I am friendly, I just want to enjoy it. We had orientations, on boardings and trainings. We also had celebrations.

This is at McDo in Piazza, it was Mich's despidida. While the other is Maj's birthday pizza party!

I'm gonna miss my April Unix
batchmates. We have now shiftings starting the month of May.

2. It's my graduation!! weee! :)

April 13, I had my Baccalaureate Mass at PLM Activity Center and a CoE bonding too, or should I say, a pictorial! :P

April 15 is the date of my Graduation at PICC. My mom and dad accompanied me. It was very magical and very fulfilling. I had to make a sacrifice too because at the very same day was the first team building of Unix team (the team I am included). I have to miss it because I know there will be next time but my graduation march is a once in a lifetime chance.

Congratulations to me and to all the 2011 graduates! We all deserve it! Cheers to all of us! ^__^

3. My little vacation!
It was my first time to go to Cebu, baby! It was so hot and there are many historical sport! Had many pictures! Ofcourse! :P Sadly, I have to go on leaves without pay to attend to my graduation and to Cebu. But you know what, it is all worth it! :)

Here are some Cebu pictures, April 17-19:

4. My Grad Party!
April 24 is my Grad Party and at the same time, my sister's bday celebration..I was really happy because there are many guests, gifts and fun! Levi danced for us! It was awesome! :)

There are many foods that my Mom and Dad cooked (the caterer was not available). There are a lot of playing cards and singing aloud. Thank you for this wonderful event! :]

5. My treat! :P

Had my first salary! Hahaha. I was so nervous because it's my first time to withdraw at the ATM. :P It was a good feeling. I treated Levi at Tempura, Trinoma and I bought Sbarro pizza and Fruits in Ice cream for my family! :)

Told yah, there are many great events that happened to my life. Hopefully, it will continue.

I started the month of May by tithing. It's my first time to give 10% of my income to the Lord. Well, it's more than my 10% because I am so grateful and thankful to our God for giving all the wonderful blessings to me. I wish for more and work on it because I know I deserve more. :)

Tomorrow, it will be a first time also. As I mentioned a while ago, we have shiftings for May. My shift is based on European time, so my working hours start at 3pm and end at 12AM! Whew. God bless me when going home. I know God will protect me all the way!

PS: May I surpass all the trials, challenges that will come my way. I know I can do it.

As my note in Office Communicator says, "AJA! AJA! FIGHTING!"


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