March 27, 2015


You read it right.
For the first time in my life, I was bitten by an animal.
I was bitten by our house persian cat, Clyde. 

It was a yesterday night that I was playing with him and was about to give him his favorite wet food when he attacked me. 

I had a fault ofcourse because I am teasing him.

But I never expected him to run on me and bit me hard, hard enough that my blood is flowing limitlessly. 

I have bites and scratches.

After cleaning it with warm water and soap, I went to the hospital for Anti Tetanus & Anti Rabies shots (first of the 5 shots).

It is still aching right now.

Two things I learned about this incident:

1. Don't let yourself off guard to cats.
I mean, honestly I thought we are friends but he stabbed me at my back.
He attacked me when I look the other way around.

2. Emergency fund is important.
Because of this, my budget is ruined.
Money is really a problem when not spent correctly. Oh dear, I hope someone donates for me! :(

This pain that I am enduring will be gone soon. 

I can't wait.

March 14, 2015

Food Week

Last week was a food blast, it was no ordinary week. 

Chu's dates. 
LeviJen date. 
Date with my manager. 
Date with my Honey's family. 

I can't thank enough. :) 

And honestly, right now, I am searching for it - the eating outside because it is one of my passions to discover different restaurants. 

It is not the same for this week and I think, in the coming weeks, too. 

My sister is having her adventure and I am going to miss her. We can do this. 

I know it is for her betterment. 
It is for the better to both of us. 

We will overcome this. :)