November 22, 2008

so much.

i miss my bLog soooo much.
i haven't been updating for so Long..but it doesn't mean i don't visit.

one reason:

another reason:

it's very ironic.
if there's many things to bLog about, why not bLog?


first impression don't Last.
yeah yeah. i thought my professors aren't good.
i was wrong. and because of that, a piLe of to-do's and homeworks.
wow. it's reaLLy a part of being a student.
being busy is not waiting for time to pass by, hence you're wishing that time shouLd take its time. err. how redundant but have a point.

oh. i have a happy story.
haha. one of my homeworks is in eng'g ethics'! we have to compiLe List of virtues from a-z with quotes using our artistic and scrapbooking styLe. and i'm proud to say that i reaLLy gave my best on doing such because the quotations are aLL good.

"i don't have any speciaL taLents, i am onLy passionateLy curious."
-aLbert einstein.

yeah. that's my favorite. if my memory won't faiL hs teacher said that curiosity is very good because you Learn new things by expLoring and knowing the answers to your questions on your own. =)

be independent. be curious. be you.
(a commerciaL?)


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