January 03, 2013

Fixed up!

It was one morning after my mid-shift work that I felt like cleaning my stuffs.
That feeling I only encounter for few times so I didn't think twice if I'm going to sleep or clean.
I fixed my things.

There is a small part of my room that was messed up with paper files.
So what did I do? I compiled them all in a separate cute envelope and categorized them by what I'm doing.

As you can see, those are parts of my life: Personal, Feast (Catholic prayer meeting I am attending), Sunlife (investment and life insurance venture), HP (my work), School (the past that I can't throw away), Travel (souvenir and more) and GFI (business venture).

Oh my life, it's so cute, colorful and lively! :)

I put them on my floral storage box with my photobooks! Wee!
Go and try it! You won't expect that you have more space and your room will have a good look!;)

Start the year right by throwing old stuff you do not need and keeping those that you love and that are important! :)

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