September 07, 2019


Two months have passed. What happened? 
I just watched now a movie called “Suddenly Seventeen” (though not my first time to watch) - it still feels the same when watching it. I can totally relate. 

Yesterday, I celebrated my 12th Anniversary with my boyfriend. Yes, 12 years. We had a good experience in Queen Elizabeth 2, and discovered new things. I honestly got excited what more if it is the real deal of cruising in a ship. 

What’s next if you will ask me? 
I know what I’m supposed to do but still not doing it. I prayed to God to give me the strength and courage. I just need to apply it.

Just now, I read my posts 12 years ago. 
I reminisced. I went back to my 17 year old self (just like in the movie). 

I was bubbly, open. I was happy and specific. 
Now? I’m 29 going 30, serious, broad, a bit happy and not sure what life will take me. 

Is this really the drill? 
Can I have those chocolates to bring back my old self? But life happens. 

Past is past. Now is the present and I have the power to make my future. God has plans for me and I know He will never fail me. 

I will and am always trust Him. 
Please pray for me. I pray for yours too. :) 

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