April 20, 2020


Six years ago, I hopped in a plane all by myself - full of excitement and worries.
Six years ago, I left everything I have in Philippines and went to Dubai, UAE for new beginnings.

After all these years, I never celebrate my anniversaries staying here. Why you may ask?
Because most of my 6 years here were challenging. They were not "happy" years. Most I don't want to remember but I don't have regrets as they made me stronger. It is true.

It changed when I had my current employer which I dreamt of!
Working from home, cool bosses, working on my own pace - in 2 months, it will be my HAPPY 1st year to them!

My life here is 80% work time that's why it is a big deal once I had a more positive and brighter workplace.

I still don't celebrate my anniversary but I am grateful with my decision moving and living here.

I travelled many new countries and explored.
I've eaten cuisines and celebrated life.
I've experienced many things and they widen my perspectives.

There are many things I want and need to do.
There are many next levels I want to go to.

I can't wait to experience them.
This level is my stepping stone.
Though, I haven't done anything to go up (or I thought so).

I am thankful that I am still living and blessed with all these opportunities.
I tried to leave (3 times to exact), but I am still here.

As they say, if you are meant to be here, you will be here.
Thank You Lord for always being with me. It may not be smooth sailing but I know I am more blessed because I have You Lord.

Life is not perfect. Life is unfair.
The only way to live happily is accepting it and living life with purpose.

I plan to just stay for maximum of 4 years, still here I am on my 6th year.
If you will ask me, how long will I stay? I actually waiting, I've still not woken up.
I'm a person who plan, but this time, I am waiting for someone to plan with me.
I just don't know when but I'm hoping. I'm not getting younger.

Praying for it. Praying for good health and peace of mind to push through.
I can do this. We can do this.

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