October 24, 2007


i took up bs computer engineering because of three reasons.
one of those reasons is if ever our computer is broken, i am abLe to fix it.

but it wiLL take me 3 and a haLf years before i can do that now.
our computer is broken and i can't fix it.
it's my fauLt. i was the one who is there when monitor had sparks. overused?
yah right, and i can do nothing but feeL scared and guiLty.

it's my fauLt again.
i remember when i was in my 2nd yr hs year, our computer got infected with severaL viruses due to mIRC, because of my seLfishness to get connected onLine and chat aLmost the whoLe day.

come on. i want to prove to myseLf and to others that in God's time, i am abLe to fix what i broke. i want to soLve any probLem i make. i know i can do that but not this time.

hopefuLLy in the next days, our computer wiLL be ok in the hands of a computer engineer
and i can be a computer engineer someday.


now, i am using our Laptop.
i've edited chosen pictures @ my debut and print it.
i wiLL be making a personaLized photo aLbum with scrapbook styLe.
i've heard and read so many things about digiscrapbooking.
even in nationaL bookstores, they offer this new thing.
jamie makes one and other peopLe, too.
i did some simpLe styLes.=P

*making myseLf busy*

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