my famiLy went to church on the Christmas eve before the Noche Buena.
our priest said to his homiLy was when tagaLog word "Pasko" is jumbLed, "SAKOP" is made. it means we shouLd give ourseLves to God. MAGPAKASAKOP tayo sa Kanya because He is our Creator and we shouLd respect Him aLL the time.
and besides, Jesus is the main reason for this ceLebration because He is the birthday CeLebrant right? so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! my oLdest sister is teLLing me: Everyday is Christmas.
it's just up to us on how we ceLebrate our Life each day :D
famiLy bondings, reunions, happenings: happy!
from our house to tita chona's (mom's famiLy) house on christmas day and then to our house again on the 27th for my dad's famiLy.
from foods, gifts, money, smiLes to hugs and kisses.. my christmas?
(oh. my speLLing is wrong. haha)
untiL next time next year! wooohooo!
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