March 03, 2008

so busy yet so in Love

if the month is march, there are many happenings in my Life and the peopLe around me.
it's because the semester's gonna end. and if that wiLL happen, finaLs shouLd go first.

my sister wiLL graduate this end of the month. congrats ate!=)
and she is having her 'Last' finaLs this week. ha ha redundant.
whiLe I have many examinations in different subjects, some are finaLs.
good Luck to us. we need it.

i'm stressed right now, but physicaLLy, it's not obvious. if i'm feeLing that, i aLways bLogged about it. 'coz in my opinion, bLogging it makes me feeL it Less, reaLLy.


thank God I have a person who is there by my side.
..who is there to guide and heLp me.
in terms of academics, we heLp each other. i remember in our math ana-2 midterms, we had the same score! and our bLockmates thought we cheated but it's impossibLe because it's difficuLt to do so and we were arranged aLphabeticaLLy.
i thought if i had someone, my grades wouLd be Low and couLdn't study anymore because of thinking of him or of he, himseLf or because my parents are teLLing me everytime.but they were wrong, i was wrong. he is my inspiration.
yeah, that I beLieve now.
your Love is your inspiration.
wo ai ni. <3

how i wish you wiLL abLe to read this.

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