i've attended my cousin's wedding yesterday.
and yes, it's my first time and i'm aLready 18.
actuaLLy, it's the second but the first one was a 25th anniversary so for me, i won't count it as one reaL wedding ha ha! :P
how inspiring.
the priest said that a groom or the guy shouLd be 3 Ps:
protector, provider and the priest.
and i agree most especiaLLy that a guy shouLd be the provider.
why? it is because he cannot start or create a famiLy if he cannot provide.
his chiLdren wiLL suffer from hunger and Lack of education.
so for those coupLes who want to get married, think twice ok?
back to the wedding, i'm a junior bridesmaid. yes, it's my first time (again) to hear a "junior" bridesmaid. it doesn't matter 'coz i had fun :)
with my 2 (i think) inches heeLs, i waLked down the aisLe with cameras before me. waaah. i'm feeLing famous hahaha! XD
come on, i thinking of having my future wedding a very simpLe, soLemn and personaLized one :) oh yea.. that's what i'm thinking when i was there in the whoLe wedding :)
hopefuLLy, aLL are happy especiaLLy to the newLyweds.
best wishes and congratuLations! yey :)
and congrats not onLy to them but aLso to me & Levi..happy and extraordinary 7 months together! yey :) Love it!
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