June 10, 2008


this day is the end of my vacation.
what did I reaLLy do?
i've attended debuts, birthday party, outing, dates and maLLings.
most of my vacation was spent here in the house Like my previous ones.
i've accompLished my to-do Lists! generaLLy, i've bought things, done my unfinished businesses, fixed my things and cLeaned my room.

..and now, i have new pLans, to-do's and goaLs with thus coming schooL year, starting tomorrow at 7AM. my things are ready but i'm not sure if i'm ready.

emotionaLLy, i am now especiaLLy that i've watched Caregiver hours ago with my mom and sister. it inspired me to work hard and study smart. yes, not study hard but smart. i've read that Lesson in a newspaper! i am fond of reading articLes recentLy :D

mentaLLy, i am not. i have so much things going on my mind right now. what wiLL happen? are my professors ok and fair? how are my bLockmates? wiLL i be happy? it's normaL for me to be Like this before going on the big day.

physicaLLy, i'm ok. i have to adjust in terms of time and what-to-do and to Look presentabLe, ofcourse! haha.

overaLL, 3rd year.. here I come! :D

..i have to sLeep earLy tonight and eat right.
may I have a happy day aLways.

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