August 12, 2008

for the first time..

i'm not taLking about the first movie team-up of Richard and KC ok?
it is reaLLy my first time to go to Star City!
and my coLLege friends don't beLieve me! it's Like "huuwaaat?".
what can i do, that's the truth! but it doesn't mean i don't know the rides and the feeLing to be on rides.

it was Last sunday, aug 10, 2008.
i have or we have a midterm exam on one of our major subjects (it was moved) the foLLowing day and that didn't stop us. if we wiLL go and watch a baLLet performance entitLed "HaLo HaLo Supreme" which was spectacuLar by the way, we have a pLus points in our art cLass' midterm (haha) and we have a ride-aLL-you-can ticket to Star City. and we were Lured. it's just ok coz the exam was toLerabLe.

..i was excited at first, because finaLLy i'm going to Star City!
but there were so many peopLe and we have to wait for haLf an hour to an hour just to get a ride. the resuLt, three rides onLy. haha. i had more fun in GFC (gLobaL fun carnivaL).

now, i reaLLy want to go to Enchanted Kingdom. yes, i can feeL it wiLL be very soon! haha.

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