September 16, 2008


yah. my kuya from dubai, my tito and tita from austraLia, & my cuz and her hubby with jayr (their chiLd) from the US were back to the PhiLippines!

i have been speaking EngLish Long now. ha! ha! ha!
it's just sad that some FiLipinos who went to foreign Lands can't speak EngLish anymore. the onLy good thing is they just understand, but then, cannot speak and write. that is one of the reasons why my beLoved country don't progress because the peopLe don't Love their own. T_T that's the sad fact.

anyway, i have been eating a Lot LateLy.
yes. a Lot. when i say a Lot, it's reaLLy a Lot!
Let my body speak for that! hahaha XD
but i'm thankfuL because not aLL peopLe wiLL experience what i'm experiencing now. there are many peopLe who are starving so i shouLd not be compLaining, thus i shouLd be gLad. :D that's why when i eat, i see to it that there are no Leftovers as possibLe. wag ng takaw-tingin.


Learn to appreciate smaLL things and Love them with aLL your heart because smaLL things can be big if it's appreciated and Loved.


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