October 07, 2008

what did i do that these are aLL happening to me??

OWKEI. this titLe maybe the Longest titLe i've ever had in my whoLe career in bLogging.as far as i remember, i didn't do anything bad to anyone.. curse a person a hate or stab her in back. i just hate but i don't do something bad.

so what happened to me?
i have this Low resistance. i don't take vitamins.
i toLd my mom to buy me some so that i don't Lack vitamins especiaLLy vitamin C.
because i easiLy get sick! yes. when a friend/famiLy member got sick, it wiLL be pretty sure i'm next. tsk tsk.
and the worst part is this week wiLL be so busy.

first, i'LL be having troubLe with my sickness (ubo, sipon, sinat) and then my finaLs wiLL start on my birthday. there is a change pLan, my famiLy and I wiLL be having dinner in a famous restaurant (i'LL bLog about it when it's done).

tsk. i just want to see the sunshine after this.
and may i answer the finaLs the best i can.
because of this stupid nose, it wiLL be hard for me to answer.
pLease may PanadoL cure me.

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