i made the right choice because my nstp's cLearance, which is a requirement in enroLlment, was very strict. no cLass card, no stamp.
i was the onLy one in the house and wouLd Lock aLL the doors.
i put the Laptop on kuya's room and there i saw books with famiLiar titLes.
it read "twiLight" and "new moon". what-a-coincidence.
i heard a Lot of it since the day i read about it in a newspaper.
they were my cousin's books and she Left it. the reason i don't know.
and i took the chance to read.
with one exception, its theme: LOVE.
...and whiLe i was reading, i can't stop thinking of my yebi.. if he's beside me, for sure i am hearing his heart beat, hugging him. okay, i shouLd have warn you that my next statement wouLd be mushy. haha.
but it's true. :D
anyway, another day passed and it's today, my enroLLment.
enroLLment comes with scheduLe.
with 7ams and 8:30pms, i reminisced my first year coLLege, the oLd days.
i can survive i think, but not quite sure.. it's not easy with those unknown and hard-to-describe subjects.
november 3rd is my first day. 7am.
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