December 04, 2013

Baler, Baby!

It's the first time I travelled with my boyfriend' friends.
I did not anticipate coming to this trip, I even have doubts if I'll come.

Thankfully, I joined.
Welcome to a paradise, BALER!

Went here last November 15-17 2013.
We did not ride a plane but it feels like it since we rode a Joy Bus! It was really a joy hehe!

Staying at Aliya Beach Resort, the scenery was breathtaking!
I really love my country!

Our first day was a thrill and very unforgettable!
Going at the top of Balete Tree was like a training ground. Then our preliminary exam was conquering thr strong currents to see Mother Falls and our final exams was surfing!

Unfortunately, I was not able to surf because the waves are strong that it's not advisable for non swimmers to surf!
But it was fun seeing the others do their surfing moves!❤️

Our second day was more on tours: History and Eco tours. :)

A lot of photographs was snapped.
A lot of fun was felt.
A lot of memories was shared.

It was a trip like no other!
Thank you for making me part of your circle. Thank you Honey for I learned a lot from you with our trips.

I remembered when you told me I was like a superhero when I "saved" you as you went out of balance in the strong currents. :)
If you just know how I always feel safe with you by my side.

Thank You God for the opportunities to travel the beautiful places you created.
I am craving for more! :)

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